“Miss Highkick-Spin screamed. The children squealed and everyone hotfooted it into the wings”

Week 17 

This week I finally made it through all the recordings and made hundreds of snippets Andrew will be able to use for future episodes!!

Andrew then asked me to help with dialog cuts for the animatics! Basically editing and laying out the audio in time for the animatic, I got two episodes done this week!  (Pretty excitingggg) I also got to be apart of the voice recordings… “Cheep cheep” (I was a duck..)

On top of the editing I did some minor tasks, like renaming files on the Lily server, read through scripts and take note of any additional characters or animal noises and also covered reception again!

Making more turnaround, 3/4 comparison templates, helping Angie (the Art Director) with creating a folder of all the characters and their expressions for Colin to add into the Bible for Claude. I got set up with my own creative cloud on Sixteensouth’s account too!

With all the editing up to date I was pushed back downstairs to help with production again chasing up where I left off – the server system! I was shocked that there was still a lot of PSD’s missing from the server!! I went by Rebekahs coloured system and flagged red everything that was missing PSD’s and orange anything that just needed a template! Chasing up the designers again asking them for the files.

Next week will hopefully see the end of this….